Photographer and video artist Erwin Olaf, for his latest work ‘Waiting’, has created a special partnership with the creative production agency The Ambassadors. Olaf’s art video ’Waiting’ is a message to Generation X, intended as a statement against the impatience and unrest prevailing in society. Erwin Olaf describes his latest work as the impact of waiting for the busy social life and the emotions that are triggered. Olaf is best known for his design for the Dutch euro coin in 2013 depicting King Willem-Alexander.
The fifty-minute art video in which a girl is waiting in a restaurant has been recorded in one take. Because there is little action through the film, the music under the film is very important. The music is the only sound, the only hint of time that passes. Sebastiaan Roestenburg, co-owner of The Ambassadors, composed the music for the particular project. Roestenburg says that composing fifty minutes of music was quite a challenge, it took six weeks and each tone is chosen with great care.
The installation is showing at the Hasted Kraeutler Gallery in New York from January 8 to February 28, 2015. It will then travel to Flatland Gallery in Amsterdam.